Civilian Defenders
Accessing Vs Unarmed Attacks
How to safely access your pistol and neutralize your attacker(s) during various unarmed attacks.
Accessing Vs Knife Attacks
How to safely access your pistol and neutralize your attacker so as not to exchange shots for stabs.
Accessing Vs Grab-N-Stab Attacks
How to safely access your pistol and neutralize your attacker during fully committed grab-n-stab tactics.
Firearm Retention
How to use your EDC knife to mitigate the risk of carrying a firearm in populated spaces, and more
Defensive Knife Tactics
Learn defensive knife tactics that provide escalating use-of-force to neutralize knife attackers
CQ Gun Vs Knife
Learn to neutralize a knife attacker and control the angle of discharge while not exchanging shots for stabs
Don't wait to enhance your skills!
There has never been a better time to add these skills to your protective ability. Tom is waiting for you to message him so he can get you on the fast track.
Firearms Training
Basic Pistol Instruction
Basic Rifle Instruction
Range Safety Officer
Concealed Carry
Home Defense
Mass Shooters