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Security Professionals

Edged Weapons Defense training is a vital component of professional security personnel's preparation, equipping them with essential skills for personal safety, threat detection, and effective response in various operational contexts. The training enhances situational awareness, rapid response capabilities, physical fitness, and mental resilience, ensuring security personnel are well-prepared to handle potential threats. Additionally, the training fosters confidence, legal compliance, and team dynamics, contributing to overall effectiveness and safety of security operations.


Unarmed Guards

Edged weapons defense training enhances the personal safety and operational skill of Unarmed Guards.


Armed Guards

Edged weapons training enhances the personal safety and  operational skill of Armed Guards.


Plain Clothes Security

Edged weapons defense training enhances the personal safety of doormen and plain clothes personnel.

Security Providers

Carry Safer will enhance your personnel's capability and personal safety while reducing your liability. Don't wait to contact Tom today!